Physical Therapy & wellness

Reimagined and Individualized

Spine pain

Neck, mid back, low back, and sacroiliac (post operative and non-operative).


Shoulder, hip, and knee rehabilitation (post operative and non-operative).

Repetitive Stress Injuries

Repetitive Stress Injuries of the neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand.

Balance Training at All Levels

Pilates/yoga/personal training

Chronic pain Coaching

In-Person Services

Evaluative Tools & Manual therapy

McKenzie Mechanical Diagnostic Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Myofasicial Release

Strain - Counterstrain

Muscle Energy Technique

Maitland based manual therapy techniques

Myofascial Decompression (“Cupping”) and Gua Sha

Applied Trigger Point Therapy


Triplane Functional Chain Reaction



Modalities: TRX, BOSU, foam rollers, Swiss Ball

Functional Balance Training

Corporate Injury Prevention

I offer live, bespoke, humorous, participatory lectures on preventing repetitive stress injuries, and promoting well-being in workplace settings. Evidence shows that wellness promotion decreases expenditures on workers compensation claims and improves productivity.