I build a partnership with you by creating physical and emotional rapport that creates trust. This relationship allows me to work with you and your body to support you in your healing process and journey and uncover the epicenter of your pain or dysfunction. I integrate all my training, intuition, and experience to set you up to be healed. We discuss your goals in order to get you back to the activities that you enjoy most.

My approach

About Deanna “Deedee” Savant, PT

With over 30 years of experience, Deanna “Deedee” Savant has reimagined the art of physical therapy to meet the needs of each individual client. She combines evidence based state of the art physical therapy practices with intuitive approaches such as osteopathic manual therapy (including cranial sacral therapy, myofascial release, strain counter-strain, and muscle energy technique), Pilates, Yoga, and functional athletic-based triplane balance exercises. Like a detective, Deedee uncovers movement and postural dysfunctions that may be contributors to pain or tissue tightness then focuses each person on a treatment plan to address individual needs. She aims to help you return to the key activities that help to feed your soul. Deedee is well connected in the healing arts community and helps her clients to create a care team when needed.


Certified Pilates instructor

Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment (McKenzie)

Advanced Education

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Muscle Energy Technique

Lymphatic Drainage

Myofascial Decompression Technique (“cupping”)

Iyengar Yoga, Pranyama breathing


B.A. Pomona College, Sociology/Public Policy Analysis

M.P.T. University of Southern California, Physical Therapy


Creator of Pilates teacher training program LPT, Lafayette, CA

Creator of Better Balance Senior classes Fyzical Grand Lake Oakland, CA

Corporate Injury Prevention Speaker

Former Clinical Instructor, U of Wisconsin, Madison

In Gratitude

I did not get to this point in my career without help and support from generous people who allowed me to learn, share, and grow from and with them.

  • The McKenzie Institute - Robin McKenzie revolutionized the concepts of directional preference in positioning and movement, and emphasizing patient responsibility in physical therapy.

  • Upledger Institute - I have taken a multitude of lower level and advanced classes in cranial sacral therapy and lymph drainage from this wonderful institute. They taught me how to "listen" with my hands and follow each body's lead in the moment, rather than a protocol or preconceived notion of what will heal or help.

  • Gary Gray, DPT, PT- Gary promotes function in all planes of motion, a radical concept when he was first teaching. I have taken many classes from him and use his concepts daily.

  • Rebecca D’Amour - Rebecca taught me the entire organic movement based Pilates repertoire in her teacher-trainer program. She was a long time student of Ron Fletcher, who was a 20 year student and protégé of Joseph Pilates.

  • Kerry D’Ambrogio, D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P. - Kerry has integrated physical therapy with acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy and lymph drainage. His approach is near and dear to me as I also strive to combine and integrate western and eastern approaches in my work.

  • Kaiser Vallejo - Advanced Training in Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) - I completed this 3 month full time residency at the beginning of my career. PNF informs every treatment approach that I perform.

  • Judy Smith, PT - Judy was my first Iyengar yoga teacher and she opened up the world of yoga for me. She taught me about Ayervedic medicine and how to integrate yoga into physical therapy care, particularly with chronic pain clients.

  • Brian Mulligan, ONZM, F.N.Z.S.P. (Hon), Dip. M.T. - This optimistic physiotherapist and teacher showed us how joint and soft tissue mobilization can be performed honoring the triplane movement of each joint, and made us laugh along the way.

  • Lorimer Moseley, PhD, PT - Dr. Moseley explains the concepts of pain neuroscience with humor and easy to understand metaphors.

  • Pomona College Dance Department - It was my love of dance (and my minor in college) that fed my passion for exploring human movement and set me on the path to become a physical therapist. Thanks especially to Professor Meg Jolley and to all my fellow dancers.

  • Owen Rogers - Everyone needs a truth teller in their lives. Thank you, Owen, for constantly inspiring me to push boundaries.

  • Marlee Holly - Marlee took every photo on this site. Thank you for your artistry!

  • My Family - to my husband Dominic Savant and children Elsa Savant Kurahara and Nathan Savant, and my parents, Marvis and Howard Brodke - you are my muses. I could not do what I do without your love and support.